Eminent Software Services is an IT Services and Solutions company formed by a group of software professionals, whose cost-effective services and solutions are directly aligned with the unique needs of each client.ESS is a leading Big Data services provider offers solutions that can help organizations capitalize on the transformational potential of Big Data and derive actionable insights from their data.
Big data by its very definition means large data sets that it is almost awkward to work with using normal database management tools and businesses are leveraging big data. So various Challenges that impact this definition are capture, storage, search, sharing, analytics, visualizing and requires massively parallel software running on tens, hundreds or even thousands of servers.
Technologies and platforms supported:
Hadoop, Cloudera, Hortonwokrs, MapR, Shark/Spark
NoSQL Databases: Cassandra, MongoDB
ESS employs Hadoop, combining it with existing data warehouse systems to manage additional and peak load data analysis and give an edge to businesses, organizations who want to gain from their massive troves of data.
ESS helps you seek a deeper understanding of the world and the environment around us as the data grows which require understanding across various disciplines including genomics, complex physics simulations, biological and environmental research, Internet search, finance and business informatics.
Big Data Service Offerings
Use case
Maintenance and support